Close the Gap White Paper
The Close the Gap Plan recommends creating vibrant places that are more livable, walkable, and connected through a robust regional transit network.
Missing Middle Housing Walking Tour
A tour of existing missing middle housing types in Omaha’s desirable Dundee neighborhood. Includes a guide for creating a tour in your neighborhood!
Missing Middle Housing Lot Test Study
Uses a standard lot size to compare missing middle housing types with single family homes on a sample vacant lot in Omaha.
Baby Steps Giant Leaps Toolkit
The Baby Steps Giant Leaps video will act as a catalyst for intentional conversations about the issues we face as a region and the actions we will take.
Block Talk Toolkit
Check out this guide for hosting your own Block Talk!

City of Omaha Code Audit
A 2022 report that identifies barriers to affordable and Missing Middle housing development in City of Omaha zoning code.

Equitable Development Scorecard
The Equitable Development Scorecard can be used by any member of the community to score an actual or proposed development project on various equity-related criteria.
Heartland 2050 Action Plan (2016)
Near-, mid-, and long-range goals and action steps for Housing & Development, Infrastructure, and Natural Resources Committees.