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Heartland 2050 was created in 2014 by MAPA to serve as a shared long-range vision for the Omaha-Council Bluffs metro region. The Heartland 2050 vision guides community leaders, giving them a roadmap and identifying strategies that will help them create the kind of place where our children and grandchildren will want to live and work in 2050.

Heartland 2050 provides a blueprint for future action – it proposes a framework for ongoing collaboration to achieve our shared vision. We will get there with the help and participation of individuals, organizations, businesses and leaders, working together to grow our region responsibly.


Define and promote an actionable course that closes the gap – in access and opportunity, time and distance, funding and mindshare – and brings people closer together in a thriving, vibrant community.


Heartland 2050 work is guided by the Regional Planning Advisory Committee (RPAC) and carried out by four implementation committees: Equity & Engagement, Housing & Development, Infrastructure and Natural Resources.

The RPAC Committee membership is approved each year by MAPA’s Board of Directors, but implementation committee membership is open to anyone who is interested in participating. All meetings are open to the public, and we welcome you to join us!

Action Plan

The Action Plan contains goals and near, mid-, and long-range action steps tied to Heartland 2050’s core areas of impact: Housing and Development, Infrastructure, and Natural Resources.

The 2050 Vision

The Heartland 2050 Vision is the foundation of the Heartland 2050 program. Developed through extensive public engagement, this Vision provides a shared roadmap for how our communities can work together to create the kind of place where our children and grandchildren will want to live and work in 2050. This Vision is built on the principles of equity, efficiency, inclusivity, and regional cooperation.

Guiding Principles

The following principles were developed to guide the regional vision and its goals, strategies and actions.

Equity: All individuals, regardless of ability, and communities within the region will have full and equal access to the opportunities that enable them to attain their full potential.

Efficiency: Public infrastructure and services will be provided efficiently and cost-effectively..

Inclusivity: Decision making and the implementation of solutions in the region will be done in a way that ensures that all of the region’s residents have an opportunity to participate in the process, implementation and evaluation..

Local Control/Regional Benefit: It is critical that cities and counties within the region maintain local control over their communities while also working collectively together to ensure that local decisions enhance rather than adversely affect other neighborhoods, communities or the region as a whole.

Heartland 2050 Goals

  • Strengthen our robust economy and become a national magnet for a young and highly skilled workforce.
  • Provide the highest quality education system that educates the workforce of the future.
  • Be known for healthy living, safe neighborhoods, preservation of arts and culture, and exceptional health care.
  • Be known for welcoming, connected and lively communities.
  • Invest in efficient infrastructure that supports economic development, provides more transportation choices and reduces energy consumption.
  • Value, protect and utilize natural resources to provide access to green space and resilience from natural disasters.

Heartland 2050 Staff

Saul Lopez

Communications Project Coordinator

402-444-6866 x3237

Laura Heilman

Communications & Outreach Manager

402-444-6866 x3214

Helen Corrigan

Communications & Outreach Intern


Mike Helgerson

MAPA Executive Director

402-444-6866 x3224